The connection was fine for 15 days. After the recent rains there were issues with the wires which was fixed. But the wireless connection did not work.
Access to Customer service is a nightmare. You have to dedicate atleast 1 hrs to get access to customer care as the call will be kept in waiting mode for a long time.
Although the customer service executive is sympathetic for the kind of inconvenience caused but they dont do anything to resolve it. I could not work at home due to the 3-4 days of internet interruption. Although their Ad shows fabulous broadband speed etc I do not see much of the difference in speed compared to 2Mpbs speed.
Since the problem was with router after rains(No one still responded after left and right scoldings from me on telephone). I had to find solution myself after using a regular LAN to connect my PC and reconfigure the router with the router guide we had.
Good speed
no hassles of connection as long it works
Connection unreliable
Worst service
No solutions provided to problems you have with the connection.