I recently purchased the packet of Act II popcorn and tried it at home. I really loved it! I am a popcorn fan and these truly taste great.
They are very easy to make. Thr pack contains unpopped corn which have oil and flavouring. All you need to do is empty the packet contents and microwave it for 3 minutes. And it is ready to eat!
Almost all the corns pop and there are hardly 7-8 which dont which is pretty good! I got this pack for 25 rupees and considering the quantity and the quality I can say it is worth the price!
It definitely is a healthy and non fattening snack. I do not think there is any other brand in the market which has a similar product!
I love the Act II popcorn. The kids love it too it is perfect and easy to prepare for evening munching.
There are some flavoured ones available too apart from the normal masala.
Do try it out you will love it too. I have not been disappointed by this product. Do see the picture I have attached here!