Be an Actor or actress is a dream of any talented youngster. The basic dream is to get acknowledgment for the talent. It is an exposure to the world they are seeking. Getting a break - an opening is the key.
There are three ways to go about it. The first way is reserved for the blessed ones, who have direct contacts with the right channels. From birth they are blessed to be in the right place (or wrong, where talent is missing), like the star kids roaming in the industry. If the parents have huge bank account balances that too is a way out. For youngsters who dont possess this first way access has to struggle the way to top, the second way. They have to prove the talent first. They have to be exceptional. Despite proving talents, many talents die early where for talent, opportunity and appreciation are like water and fertilizers. Some being lucky and manage to get an entry and with sheer luck they reach to top. There is a third way, where there are people and organisations which take something and help you to find a right place. Obviously this is business for them.
This business, since it involves money and glamour is little dangerous if proper precaution is not taken. In normal business, money is the only motivation for cheating and the risk is only money. In glamour business, it can be both money and values. So, the steps may have to be conservative in style but we have not option but to move positively.
I checked this site ( only because mouthshut have listed it. The site is nothing but a search site which brings you links to many web sites which matches your search. For the temptation of the searcher, an all lot of categories are listed, under headings: Actors, Celebrities, Movies, Actor Auditions, Acting Agents, Models, Acting Schools, Dance, Acting...
My first test of the search was quite funny, where my search like how to be a celebrity give me a result, Jobs for pharmacist, for Indian - HSBC Premier NRI services, How to be an actor - Jobs for electricians, Bollywood actor - Hot Arab videos & Indian girls in UAE. When I say this I have to admit I am a little pessimist here, since there are some promising web sites also shown their faces.,, ( no),,, are examples.
I am not going to the details of my opinions of various sites as it is a matter for review separately even.
The web site is a link for many links, like connection which leads to many connections.
The clue is that the third way means getting connections, keeping connections and linking more and more connections.
Like god asked the poor wood cutter in the story, is a web site which will show you some false cards some good cards and some excellent cards. You have to select your choice and assess it for yourself, proceed and take the blessings and burnings.
The site could have been more productive if they had selected the right links only in search result. As such, it is only a shorter version of googling experience, a not utilised opportunity.