I want to say that online poker sites should be banned in india. all sites say it is legal but it is illlegal. sites says that it is game of skill and not gambling but poker is more risky than gambling, some professional poker player had commited suicide after huge loss in poker. online poker is ill legal in usa and stopped sicne 2011.according to me all online poker site should be banned in india too.
Read below post.i read it on amazon Eric Dale, an online pro, argues it isnt. Its not 2005. Not anymore. As most poker pros know and feel in their bankroll, the games have become less and less beatable, as players havbecome significantly better and most fish have dropped out. The rake eats away at the money moving back and forth between skilled players, making greedy poker sites rich, leaving the majority profitless. Whether you play cash games or tournaments, holdem or omaha, whatever your poker strategy may be, no matter how good your poker psychology is, you are in for some trouble. As your EV goes down, poker damages your emotional and physical well-being. Most players turn into unhealthy, unhappy, and broke neurotics. Even worse, the future of poker is completely uncertain. You are wasting your time and energy. You are wasting your life. The smart players quit. The suckers continue to play, to their financial and emotional detriment.
Discover why you should quit… and what to do with your life after poker.
after read above post I decided to quit poker