These people are plain criminals roaming outside and its just a matter of time that they get paid in thier own coins.
I cant imagine how people with families can do such hostility n cheating to simple and innocent families.The bloody builder does not have guts to face the residents of the society after the cheating he has done. The bloody landowner has the guts to blackmail for getting pending money and yet put himself as a victim. Its just a matter of shame that in India we can let such criminals get off doing such harm to innocent families.
These set of frauds dont give the basic facilities like electricity water and drainage. To the apartment forget doing the exteriors and interiors. The saga of cheating starts from the imposter who posed as the Marketing representative and had the nerve to argue once questioned.some Prasad Named guy. We are suffering everyday every single day fighting for basic amenities and spending like anything. I wish some political party heeds cognisance to our pain and helps us fight these set of frauds who need to be beaten to death for thier criminal activities.