My brother has Recommended me this Adiction strong Deodorant Spray,
I bought this Deodorant tow week ago and I was very happy about this deodorant but when I use this I realized that is not a good.
The design of the bottle is very bad and look is very destructing. Guys this Deodorant spray doesnt last for long period of time. Smell stay maximum 1 to 2 hours.
So I can understand that there is no poses a scent reminiscent of that deodorant then I get steamed due to misuse of cash then I utilize that.
Deodorant as a room freshener and before resting I use a cushionn and cover that is the advantage for that not for our body,
So guys this is my experience I hope you got my point. So think before you purchase and debt of gratitude is in order for reading my survey.