My friend Recommended me to buy this Adiction Strong Deodorant Spray.
I purchased this deodorant 1 week ago and I was very that I got good deodorant but it was not , When I started using it I found that smell is not so good.
Look wise the design is also not so good and it doesnt attract any customer And its smell dont even last for long day and smell stays for only 2 or 3 hours and again.And again I have to apply this
So I understood that there is no use of buying this deodrant , than I got angry because I wasted my money on this Deodorant . Better was I should not listen to my friend and purchase my regular deodrant.
I got this deodorant as room freshenernot for body because it stays for few hours and go as room freshners.
This was my experience with Addiction strong Deodorant, I hope you all got my point not to buy this deodorant, So think before what you purchase because it gonna be good for us not for the other person?? better you should read all reviews on Mouthshut than only buy What you want?