Oddly enough I seem to have had a very good experience with the Adidas unlike most of you below... This is what I say after using this deo...
This is the age where one hunts for a unique fragrance to highlight ones character and disposition in life... Essentially, a deodorant is meant to remove bodily odour and mask it by providing another pleasant perfume... These days however, a deo has also become a nice way of enhancing ones self esteem more than anything else...
The thought on ones mind while sitting in an air conditioned conference hall with a group of executives invariably is, "Am I presentable? Am I smelling??? Oh no..." and invariably one tends to berate oneself without bothering to realize that the people around are calm and happy... Agreed that a few people tend to swallow things and keep quiet but there are those who fidget and give you politely nasty looks....
Having said all this, Id say that over the past four years, Ive tried various deos of multiple brands... All the way from run of the mill Axe and Denim to high end Faberge makes.... And most of them Ive found to be overpriced or else lacking in quality....
The Adidas 24 hour deo is one of the best ive found so far... For those who like mild deos, this spray is ideal... It comes in a plethora of fragrances and they raneg all the way from mild gentle ones to oobnoxious turn offs...
I have just emptied a can of the citrus fragrance deo... And I must say it was amazing... I got a few compliments and quite a few people could sense a slightly different subtle flavour and asked me about it...
Now, Im a person who really sweats and a deo is an absolute must... The 24 hour sport deo does allow a person to sweat as usual but is certainly is very good at removing the foul odour...
I had once used this deo once for about 30 hrs and I find no lack of "performance" evn after such prolonged usage...
The only real con of this product I feel is the price... The fact is, one gets a few slightly more effective deos at about 75% of the price... For the Indian market, Adidas is really charging a premium price for this product....
To those who want to buy this deo I suggest you go for it and make sure you get the right fragrance of choice... Getting the wrong fragrance can put you off quite a bit and spending good money on something unwanted is not exactly anyones cup ot tea!!!