Hi There all, Last Sunday I had a visit in Sector-14, Gurgaons Adidas showroom, actually I went there to buy shoes, but as I heard the prices of shoes, I came back, silently,
I saw a pair of Blue shoes in Adidas Outlet, they were just simple type of shoes, so I didnt take that important to be ask the price of that pair of shoes, because my budget was of 5000 Rupees, so I was thinking that I could buy this, So its been 15 to 20 minutes have been passed and I choosed that same Blue shoes, but when he told me the price, My eyes was open badly just for a moment with a weird voice, whhaaat are you saying ? So, okay he told me the price of 10, 000 Rupees for that simple pair of shoes which just made me to hate that same shoes and yes, that 10, 000 price was after discount, Without hearing a word, I just came outside, and just started to Finding a Nike Showroom! Really Adidas is for those type of people, who even dont know, How much money they have ? . Really not, appreciate that????