Everyone in India are very much aware of ADIDAS brand and I personally is a huge huge huge lover of it. Not only I love their shoes but bags, sports kit and much more including Sunglasses . According to me the sunglasses are value for cost in a brand like adidas .
Quality is also really great and plus point is that mine is very light weighted . so it make very ease for me to carry them all day long . its looks are fabulous and eye catching too . It can impress anyone you wanna impress in first look itself. Choices are many suiting there rates accordingly and yes different varieties of colors are available too suiting you the best .
Not only that when I wear or carry the adidas sunglasses, it look fab on me and it really complements me in my daily life . can be used in your daily life without any problem and I must say that they are really long lasting, I am using it from past year and carry it daily but havent got even a single scratch mark on it.
You can definitely give atleast one try to adidas .