I also have some of the real bad experience from Birla Sun Life, the Policy they have all are cheating nothing much. The only good thing they do they tell you in advance they are going to cheat you and then they go ahead and rip you. around half of the premium goes as policy loading charges and taxes, and there NAV is also not giving return not more then 2-3% even market is giving you return of 20-30%. Effectively if you invest in this you will get your money back only after 5-7 years with a very nominal life security. If You invest on this most of your money will go into service charges loading charges and tax. The policy I have taken is Birla Sun Life "Saral Jeevan Plan"
I do not recommend any body to buy this policy, if by any chance you want to buy this ask them from the yearly premium how much money they will use to buy premium.