I picked this one up by total accident. I normally dont go by the blurbs on books, but this one seemed to have some great references, and seemed to be the latest in a series of books revolving around the protagonist Adrian Mole. I remembered vaguely hearing about Sue Townsend on the net, and well went ahead, prepared for the worst. That the book was basically excerpts from Adrians Diary made matters worse, as I couldnt see how the author could pull of a story in that form. Anyway I opened the book, and put it down six hours or so later, with blood-shot eyes, sore gut, and most of the neighbours awake, disrupted by my insane laughter in the wee hours.
This book is big time english humour. It starts out with a list of the characters, and that is a great touch. It is meant for the reader to start off on the worst possible note. Beware though, do not give up because of the totally ridiculous glossary. Adrian Mole, who starts off in the book as a cook, goes on to become unemployed writer, celebrity, sex-starved lover of a Labour Politician, Heir to ramshackle manor and so on. And that saying nothing of his Nigerian ex-wife. You will simply be rolling around gasping for breath. All the way you will be rooting for Adrian, his libido, his totally disfunctional family, and just praying that something goes right with him.
Buy this book right now, read it, lend it, this is going to give you maughter fodder for many a cocktail party to come. But be warned, it aint easy laughing from cover to cover......