I have recently bought a Santro Xing XG from Advaith Hyundai and I must say that it has been a very pleasing experience. I must mention that I was a novice and was still learning how to drive when we decided to buy the car.
We started by zeroing in on some cars like Zen, Indica, Wagon R and Santro. First were the phone calls to the various dealers to find the prices that they were offering. Here itself I found that the details provided by Advaith were the best. They explained about the various models, their differences and other technical stuff. Finally after a lot of phone calls and research we decided to visit Pratham motors for a test drive of Zen and Advaith for Santro.
The experience in Pratham motors was really terrible. Firstly because our contact person there was not present when we reached and the other salesmen were too busy to pay any attention to us. Finally after he arrived, he couldnt even take us for a test drive because the car was not there (All this even after an appointment!!). We were very disappointed but he told us that he would definitely bring the test drive car to our house the next day.
The next day was our turn to see Santro but we decided to wait for the Pratham guy. When he didnt turn up at the given time, I called up only to be told that he had gone out of station. We were really disgusted with them by then. We then called up Advaith to find out whether we could come for a test drive. They informed us that it was not necessary for us to come and their representative would bring the car to our house.
Promptly, at the given time a representative arrived. He sat with us for more than two hours, answered all our queries and explained about the finance options. He then took us for a drive and a visit to their workshop. He even offered to give me driving lessons so that I could get familiar with the car.
I was really impressed by their behavior (and also the car) and decided to go ahead with the Santro. True to his word, the man gave me four hours of driving lessons. We were given free insurance, stereo and accessories along with some corporate discount. The paper work and finance was also handled very well. The car was delivered within 7 days.
My car has already gone for the first service and here too I have seen that they send reminders and call every once in a while to see whether we have any problems with the car. If you decide to buy a Hyundai vehicle, I would definitely recommend Advaith Hyundai. They stand true to their motto Caring for u always....