My experience with the staff and Their manager Mr. Ashith Raj Has been Good.
I did my Hair FUE on 21.10.16 and was told to come for the review after 4 months.
But, the post clinical procedure has not been upto the mark. Their experienced Member Mr. Karthik
has left the studio and their no senior person to check the hair growth status and provide consultation.
I had paid more than 2 Lakhs for 3000 hair follicles, but practically as I could see these follicles are less in number.
After complaining about a patch left behind on my left temple region, only assurance has been given to wait
for another few months. But, no new hairs have grown there.!
I am not satisfied for the whopping amount charged for less hair follicles implanted.
The Guarantee letter was given without any authorized person signature from AHS.
This has come as a shock to me.
Also the attitude of Dr. Amit Gupta was very callous and arrogant.