Yeh dil hain did some big stars ayswaria. anuska.ranbir.wheh the movie trailer was lunched after seeing tht in my mind many thingwas happed.
how much interesting the story when it on the cinemma hall?
another blockbuster cooming?
how director use ranvir.anuska . wht kind of role they will pay? .n many more thing
but when I saw the movie. my eyes are like this????.
the story of the movie is simply worst.
they cut stories by part of srks some movies and attached them very cleverly.with losts of good this is the movie yeh dil hain muskil.its made me muskil to digest it.
if u hv lots of money or want to spend some time with sm1 spcl in matter which movie is going on.then should whatc out.or spend time