Ae dil hai mushkil is a romantic Bollywood movie released last week. It being a festival weekend was a good time to release a movie. The cast is a strong one with ranbir kapoor and anushka sharma playing the lead role. Aishwarya rai bacchan and fawad khan have screen time too while SRK plays a small cameo in the movie. The story is based on one sided love wherein ranbir falls for anushka but she takes him as a friend only and goes on to marry fawad. Ranbir meets aishwarya and they spend time together whilst anushka meets ranbir after few years and tells him she has cancer and has parted ways with fawad. The cast performance is good with ranbir lifting the movie with his performance. The songs are pretty nice and peppy to hear. The movie is a one time watch and good way to spend time during the festive weekend.