Hi everybody, firstly at the onset I would like to declare that I am Sourav shah from AEGON Religare and I handle this product for AEGON Religare. I was perturbed by the not-so-good reviews about iTerm
on this platform, thus, I decided to write an honest feedback about the product and clear doubts and misconceptions about the same.
Term at the onset is one of the 1st Term plans to be launched in India. In doing so we have tried to reach the consumer directly in order to enable us to offer products directly top the consumer without the involvement of any middlemen. While I don’t deny that agents are very integral to the insurance business, its also a fact that ’Term plans’ as a product was never sold eagerly by agents. And a Term plan is the most basic form of insurance and is a product that every individual with a dependent should and must have. So in this aspect I am quite delighted that we took the initiative to launch this term plan ’iTerm in Nov 2009’.
iTerm is one of the few product that offers complete protection at very low costs. iTerm also provides cover against terrorist attacks.
I also agree that the services offered to custom take outers initially when this product was launched were below par and would upset any custom take outer. But if your notice the reviews they are all dated and were around the time that the product was initially launched. We started offering this service in Nov 2009. We had not imagined the kind of response we received and were under staffed to handle such huge volumes in 2009 and beginning of 2010. As such there were surely initial hiccups that we faced and processes were not streamlined well enough to ensure that customer take outer does not face such issues like delay on appointments. Our team has learned from the initial experiences and post Feb 2010 we
Revamped our TPA(Third party association) for medicals
b) Added more tele callers to our helpline to ensure no wait time for callers
c) Added scan and send feature for sending documents to ensure quick issuance of policies
d) Added the iWant assistance button on the buying pages for any assistance
I can ensure you that you would not face any issues while buying iTerm and you could write to me/call me directly for any queries and I shall ensure that your queries(If any at all) shall be resolved in an hour.
I use this platform to offer personal assurance to any individual buying an iTerm plan that I would personally assure that his/her queries(if any at all) are resolved within 8 hours and that he/she gets personal attention from our end for any query that he/she might have.
You may also call AEGON Religare anytime between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on
020 66867910 for any query or assistance.
Senior Manager - iTerm