Why the timber of humanity is so crooked, why there are so many off-shoots, so many branches and so many crooked decaying weak ones, is much of an engima for most of us.
We have really industrious and enterprising people working hard for the progress of their own country. And we have people who fix really foolish, meaningless and petty ideas in their minds and act as barbaric maniacs to give their land nothing new, let alone good. Taliban is a classic metaphor for ’’uselessly tyrannic’’ or ’’Devastatingly stagnant’’.
What with their really wierd concepts about Islam and their really brutal ways of enforcing the ways taught by the Prophet, the Talibanis don’t, in any manny impress as a forcefull dictatorship either. It only tells us that these Afghans were foolish brutes with a lot of power and very little grey. And then what became of Afghanistan? The country has hardly anything to rise with the help of.
The Talibanese made sure there was no industrial infrastructure branding and banning almost everything as unIslamic. And they also made sure that most of their people don’t leave the country without a violent intent. As a final straw, they supported Osama bin Laden who was the root cause of all the devastation Afghanistan faced at the hands of USA. With the attack on the American symbol of economic greatness, the WTC towers, the Afghans demanded their own doom. And they got it, too. Who could stop America from rampaging furiously on the land, bombing everything that showed a hint of Taliban? Who could have said it was an unjustified act? Nobody! Because it wasn’t. There was in fact a very good reason to put an end to the Taliban militia in Afghanistan. And to Osama bin Laden. Yet, the war brought nothing good for the Afghans. America could accomplish half of their objective by putting an end to the Taliban. That was their objective to achieve which they resorted to methods that destroyed whatever little infrastructure Afghanistan had. And now, there is nothing remaining in Afghanistan but confusion, chaos, anarchy, gloom, sadness, grief and rubble. heaps after heaps of rubble. Afghanistan’s past was very carefully destroyed. Once on the Silk Route from China to India, there was a lot of Buddhism in the air here. Taliban made sure every single particle of Buddhist dust is removed from the land. Afghanistan has no past any more. And now Afghanistan has not future. The timber of humanity is so crooked. The bark of humanity so ununiform.