Aarav Agarwal, Marketing Manager of Agarwal Relocaters, Yeshwanthpur, B’lore, lied to us and put us through a lot of mental trauma. When he first came to give his quotation, he used rosy words and made tall promises. On packing day he sent the laborers, with instructions to collect the payment after packing.
The rate he asked them to collect from us was outrageously high. We contacted Aarav Agarwal by phone and he began to offer extremely shallow excuses on why the rate being quoted now was much higher.
When we refused to accept his shallow arguments, he finally said that the rate was high because of the tax being charged on the insurance we were paying. We told him that such a tax doesn’t exist and requested that he put back our things in the house.
Then he backed off and reduced the rate a little. Finally when our things were unloaded at M’lore, they refused to unpack the boxes. When we contacted him by phone, he said that unpacking wasn’t part of the deal. But I have his initial quotations papers which clearly mentions the charges for unpacking, which we paid.
These are the cheating packers. Please avoid them at all costs!
Agarwal Relocaters
#5/52, DDUTTL, 4th Main, Industrial Subrub,
2nd stage, Yeshwanthpur
Bangalore – 560 022