When you think of moving your valuable household items you will definitely think of a company whose name is famous and got a good reputation and positive history of handling their customers. I have applied the same logic while I choose to send my items to my native Kerala. I got their number through online site Quiker. The number was one Mr. Ashok and his behaviour is good in handling a customer. I have given advance amount as per his request on time and confirmed the date and time for pick up & packing household items . With them I have experienced positive & negative responses.
Professional way of packing
Handling goods with care
Transportation rate( but increased the cost later, +4300 extra)
Extending the delivery date day bay day!
Giving false information about parcel location
Extra money need to shell out to get the delivery(4300/-INR)
21/12/2016 was the pickup date and agreed delivery date was within 4 days but unfortunately they took almost 2 month to deliver my goods! Is it a good customer care….? I’m leaving the decision to my dear reader, please tell your opinion as a reply to my post.
(Bangalore office address as per receipt is(Agarwal building, 1st floor, 2nd cross, 4th main, Rajiv gandhi Nagar, HSR Layout, Bangalore- 560 058, PH:-080-40997629, 9538152084, 9590009933)