The worst service I have ever experienced. I will never use Agoda again & never recommend any of my friends as it is a highly unprofessional unreliable service you provide to customers.
No guarantee of getting the promised service even after the full payment is done upfront written confirmations were issued on the hotel reservations.
Imagine what kind of embarrassment the customer will face after all these & travel to the desired hotel get rejected for not accepting the accommodation.
Being an international network, try to improve your service standards rather than apologizing after all the blunders & providing alternate solutions.
Alternate solutions do not serve the purpose of the customer at all.
I have been using other service providers in making hotel reservations in the country as well as overseas for many years where I had never experienced this type of rude service where the customer gets lost by you guys.
Absolutely unacceptable, unprofessional & un reliable dam service by AGODA.