Fatapur Sikri is comparable to Taj. This is where Akbar ruled India from. In ways better than Taj with lots of history. Ride from Agra is rough with poor roads in places. Its a 40 minute ride.
Guide is a must, ow you are looking at ruins. Get a Guide Javed on the way there, he is Govt approved, he knows his stuff.
Thanks to the central govt, the site is well maintained. They have tried to clean the walls of the black sludge.
Do Fatepur in the AM and Taj in the PM. Fatepur is not crowded, and fog does not get there as its higher than Taj. Taj fogs clear in the PM, so pictures are better in the evening.
Watch for hagglers in the Sikri. From sweeper to the guys who take you around the tomb will ask for money, keep lots of Rs 10 bills. Highly recommended