The first thing that came into my mind on watching Agyaat was."What has happened to Ramu?"
On one side, you have some masterpieces of cinema, like Satya, Sarkar, Bhoot, and on the other hand these utter pieces of crap. Agyaat raises a serious question on Ramus sanity(yet again!). The most disappointing part being, it is a failure for him in the horror genre. Something that coudnt be taken away from him. Until Agyaat happened.
Agyaat starts in a familiar B grade plot of a group of people getting stuck in jungle only to end up as carcasses by the hands of an unknown creature, spare the lead actors who miraculously escape being killed. What intrigues me is that the leads always get the pass from these creatures. The only ones getting hacked are the rest of the lesser known actors. Preferably in order of their fame.
The film wobbles along on a spineless script and dull cinematography. The fact that the film was shot in Sri Lanka serves no purpose since, after a point you stop caring. Then there are the songs. Utterly unbearable and crass. Its really sad to see Ramus screenplay change over the years. The last thing a horror film needs is songs.
The scenes are way too cliched. You would literally want to vacate the cinema hall as the actors(?) ham through one painful scene after another.
The cast performance is ridiculous. Nisha Kothari may quit acting now. The cast includes some really talented actors otherwise who, alas, have been wasted beyond imagination. Newcomer Nitin may remain a newcomer, after Agyaat.
Agyaat doesnt belong to cinema at all. I dare not recommend it to anyone. Not even the matinee crowds. The biggest joke(and the biggest eyeopener perhaps) being, before the ending credits roll, you see the title "Agyaat 2". I must not have laughed so much in years, as much I did when I saw that.
Give this one a miss, for sure. For, we are still searching frantically for the long lost Ramu that we knew, whose talent has beenAgyaat for some years now.