Well for starters all you dirty minded fellas the ouch in my title was for this tasteless and painful movie ....
NEW was blatantly tasteless while this one was as the tamil folks call it tasteless but with feelings
this guy cannot make a movie which is not vulgar or obscene I suppose...
well it has no story ... the director gives a brief intro before the movie starts and again talks about feelings....other than that the story is like any other love story with a guy and a gal falling in love and the problems and so on
coming to the acting.... I guess the director acted in it himself bcoz he knew none would do such a movie !! why would he waste his own money ?? ...
the heroine nila is has nil expressions I must say .. cannot act for nuts ... just has a striking resemblnce to simran ( but a very bad version of her ).
music... well its not the best of rahman ... but it sure has a few good ones ... the anbe aruyire song sung by rahman himself is surely the best ...the rest few r good but I think even this much effort for such a tasteless movie is a waste of rahmans talent I think
movie is simply obscene and vulgar and tasteless