Recently I won case against reputed furniture store M/S Ahaa( @ Bangalore. I purchased cot & 2 side-tables for 42K, August last year. To my dismay, wood started peeling a month after, I could see powder droppings etc etc. They did replaced after lot of effort December last year. Again with the new set, same issues resurfaced around Jan09.
When I approached them this time, they just washed off their hands and told nothing is possible from there side. I approached consumer forum(after lot of written communication) and filed case. It took around 3-4 months to get resolution in my favour.
Finally Ahaa people took back furniture and refunded my entire amount. My friends Arvind Sinha & Sharada consistently supported/advised me on the proceedings. Special thanks to them for motivating me to pursue the case and overcoming fear of uncertainty.
Alsofor the benefits, I posted entire process & recommendation detailsat my blog site(, you can check there as well. I will suggest my fellowalumnis to approach consumer forum. It is tedious process but worth getting piece of mind.