Ahava Body Lotion, is the one the good product for the healthy skin. It is very effective for the many skin condition which affects the skin color.
The thing I like most is its no side effects quality. It is very usefull for providing the natural touch regarding the skin color of the patient of skin condition vitiligo and Albinism etc. Vitiligo is pigmentation disorder and in which white spot appear on the skin.
Otherwise Albinism is the genetic skin disorder. Vitiligo is skin disorder in which the original skin color has been lost due the autoimmunity and the miss functioining or the destruction of melanocytes cell, which are the responsible for the skin color. For further detail of vitligo and albinism see . h e r e
Here I want ot say that the Ahava Body Lotionis very effective for the support of melanocytes cells and autoimmune system of the skin.