Last Week I got a Mail from my friend which is as follows
A 10yrs old boy had eaten panipuri about 15days ago and fell sick,
later when he had his health check done doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS.
His parents couldnt believe it...?
Then the entire family under went a checkup none of them was
suffering from that. The doctors checked with the boy if he had eaten out?
And the boy says he had panipuri one evening. The hospital team went
there to check. They found the panipuri seller had a cut on his finger while cutting
the onions, and his blood had spread in the food. When they had his
blood checked... the guy was suffering from AIDS but he himself was not
Please take care while u eat from road side panipuri wallas or
roadside vendors. kindly forward this message to your friends and make them aware too.
Then I went to meet my family doctor about this matter.
So he given me a perfect answer for this
which is like this
I think this is not real because....AIDS wont spread like the the way we can find in the following mesg......
I will tell u y.....just consider a mosquitoes .....which bites u after biting a HIV affected person....!!!!!
Do u think u are affected by HIV......? No, absolutely no....because the HIV virus will die with in that short period of time.....and moreover .....HIV or AIDS can
spread only by Blood transfer from one person 2 other, from mother to child and from Sexxxxxxxx...
Even though u eat pani puri which is contaminated from HIV infected blood.....that blood will undergo our bodys metabolic functionality and will be
broken down in to proteins and etc......I will tell u on more stunning instance.....
In villages we can find some people drinking snakes venom (poison)....offcource in smaller quantities....but they wont die.....because.... the venom is like normal organic material which will be decomposed in to proteins by our digestive system..........this is not magic....
Venom will be dangerous only when it mixes directly with blood which will affect our nervous, respiratory and other systems.
I hope this Could be a Good Awareness for us
I think this is quite informative ......if u r not aware ....otherwise plz ignore...... I just want to share my knowledge.....