So, here we have the Aigo A215 Mp3 player and voice recorder. Sound impressive? If you feel the same as me then Id bet the features in the title sound appealing; The device itself is coloured silver and is very small. Not much bigger than some small earphones coiled up in fact.
This makes for a plus and a negative - it can be easy to carry with you but frustrating to use if you have big fingers.There is a 1 Gigabyte storage capacity for the songs and voice recordings. This would translate to between 200 and 250 songs, but less when voice recordings are stored also.For the price, this is very reasonable and more than makes up for the less-known name of the item.
The fact that this also has a voice recorder is an added bonus for your money, and it can be very fun recording yourself and other people putting on strange voices when youre out and about. Its also very handy to record urgent audible notes of things that you need to remember and recall later on.
The audio formats most used by people are WMA and MP3. Thankfully, these are both supported along with others by this device. When these filed are playing, you can read the track name and artist name on the blue backlit LCD screen. The screen is bright enough to see whether youre indoors or outdoors, so long as its not a very sunny day in which case youd need some shade to see the text properly!!Overall? ....
The player is a charming little number. The silver colouring and the blue backlight are enough to tempt some people, and the voice recorder feature is a great way to show off to your mates. For everyone else, there is this. A charmer, and innovator and a small piece of future music history. Id reccomend at least taking a look, and asking for a demo.Who knows? You may be charmed!