Aiims stands for all india institute of medical science. It is the indias best hospital.
Aiims have the various department. There are the treatment of every health problem. The one of the most important problem with the pasent is to take appointment with the doctor.
To take appointment with the doctor the pasent have to wait for a month minimum. After one month they to one more time wait in a long queue. After that they got the appointment. Actually this situation is happened with the medicine department.
The other department is awesome. We can take appointment online through aiims pasent portal.
The things come about the medicare, it is speechless. There is only problem in getting admission in aiims after admission there is no any problems comes to the pasent. They gave the maximum of his side.
They always try to save life. One more thing that is important the behave of staff. The behave nurse and doctors are awesome.
One more things that is good from my end is security system of aiims. The security is also tight in aiims in every department. But the behave of security guards are not good. If ask any think to them they not reply properly.
Aiims also provide the education in doctorates in various specialization like as heart specialists. Etc