Have you ever read out side a restaurant "PAY LESS EAT
MORE". Well Air Asia should also have some thing like "PAY LESS FLY
Sounds impossible or foolish? Well then read on.
In Malaysia
with 10 USD you can have good meal, 4 people can watch movie in cinema, you can
buy Hush Puppies shirt, and you can fly to other countries also. Surprised?
Yes you can fly in 10 USD and also some time as low as 5 USD
also. No kidding.
Air Asia has created a revolution in the low budget airline
in Asia. With new and modern flights,
beautiful and friendly air hostess, good leather seats and reasonably charged
food in flight it the most preferred airline in Malaysia
and other Asia countries. Not only prices have
created a revolution in air industry in Asia,
but its service is great. You will find the friendliest people in Air Asia.
They always have a smiling face. It’s truly “service with a smile” airline.
You can buy ticket on line at their web site. There are
loads on holiday package available. Air Asia now fly’s to many Asian countries
like, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesian, China, and Cambodia etc. It also
flies to many destinations with Malaysia.
You hop in to Air Asia airline and you will greeted by
smiling beautiful attendant. Then as you proceed you will see black leather
rows of seats welcoming you. The seating policy is sit anywhere, first come
first basis. After take off the food trolley comes by. Hey but hold on, food is
not free. Yes you read it right. You will have to pay for food, which is reasonably
priced. This is because of low cost model.
Well what else you need. Cheapest price, nice seats,
friendly attendants and reasonably priced food. Sounds good, and yes it’s true
and I am not being foolish. Try to believe it, happy flying!