I travelled to UK in early this year by Air France. I would describe its service both on my way to and my way back.
Onwards Journey From Bangalore Airport at 2clock morning
Let me describe my experience w.r.t to all the facets of the Airlines.
The In-flight entertainment:
It was fine .I was happy to see so much on the menu list for entertainment as compared to Domestic. But to my dismay my remote control was stuck into the seat handle and would not come out no matter what. The choice of movie was ok , some international boring flicks English and French and one flop Indian too. Games takes at least an hour to download. There is forward reverse to the movie only that you can start to watch from the beginning again if you stop mid-way.
On Board Crew Courtesy:
After two hours of take off I woke to go to the bath room .Totally in my sleep I walked towards the backside of the plane assuming there would be one as it usually does. But I did not see any so I asked the in-flight crew for help I dont know what came to their mind they directed me to some other direction which met a dead end when I looked back at them hazily , they chuckled and directed me to the correct location .I understand they too deserve some entertainment after all the hard work so hard up above the sky for long hours but I was in no mood at that time at least.
After our sleep when we woke around 8 in the morning I had started to feel very hungry. But I thought may be I should wait for the breakfast time. But no one was coming to serve thought I saw few people munching food. About 10oclock my tummy started rumbling and I went to request to an AIrhostess if I could know when the breakfast will be served .She smiled sweetly and told me in another fifteen minutes but it came only after 45 minutes. The food was not bad. It was a typical continental breakfast.
For other matters though the crew was just fine. They showed the safety operations well and they smiled well.
After around 10 hours or so journey we reached Paris.
The Ground Staff and Airport Facilities:
We had our connecting flight to Birmingham next so we were taken to the terminal where were to check in for our connecting flight. We were simply standing at the airport until our check in for at least one and half hours as the security check-in had not started for our terminal.Ok that it took time but how amazing to know there was not a single chair in sight at an International Airport ????. Arent we suppose to provide chairs to people if they are waiting???..If you ask the ground staff any question they would either simply reply back in French which you obviously dont understand unless you have takes lessons in that language before or they simply stare at you in such anguish and anger you dont want to look at their faces again. However it was fun watching people from all over the world assembling at that junction and grumbling for being made to stand there for so long in their own language and style.
Onboard Crew Connecting Flight:
Our next flight to UK was again by Air France. The plane had two male flight attendants .When we were two land we were handed some immigration forms in the plane to be filled. My colleague was not his seat when the cards were distributed so he asked for it when he came back, to this the flight attendant replies " I have lot of work to do I cant keep coming back to give you these cards" . I seriously dont know what work he was talking about wasnt that part of his work too.And definitely his tone wasnt right for a flight attendant.
Finally we reached to our destination.
Return Journey:
Clueless and Chaotic Ground Staff :
My return journey was full of surprises. I was travelling alone this time and I thank god for sending a kind Indian family that day who were really very supportive throughout my journey. As soon as we boarded the plane early morning at 6clock at Birmingham Airport we were asked to get out of the plane as some cargo plane crashed on the runway. So were stranded on the Airport for fours hours with no clue whets going to happen next sometimes we were told we would start in an hour , sometimes we were told we would be sent to another Air Port by bus and sometimes just a plane we dont know whats happening. There were other Airlines too in the similar situation but no one was as confused and bewildered like Air France. The sad part was in all this madness were standing on our two feet for more than fours hours.
Rude and Insensitive Staff (Albeit few good in many)
By the time we flew to Paris to no surprise our connecting flight to India had left from Paris Airport so we had another challenge waiting for us here again that is standing in long queues waiting for our transit Visa to be processed. Our visa was processed after 5 hours *&"!$$$. During our flight to Paris we were told that we would be taken full care of in case of transit but at the Airport story was different , the ground staff does not even speak properly forget being polite I guess they dont have the basic training to speak to the passengers .They seriously need some classes in Manners.
There was this poor Indian girl travelling alone with her child (with British passport) each time she enquired about anything she was shrugged off .At last when she raised her voice a little to say Its five hours and we still have not got our transit Visa to a Ground Staff Lady. The lady Reply backs SOOO ?? WHAT ??? .And stared at her for 5 mins like a local Bhai???
After we got a Transit Visa one Indian family simply asked them that we had heard that we get a bus service by Air Staff and we are taken for visits across city .To this the only polite person to us so far says Thank Air France that they are providing you with Hotel at least ..?????.
Outside Airport:
We went to a coffee shop to eat. I took a sandwich and began to eat .Just when the girl with the baby was being driven away from the coffee table simply because she had not bought anything from that shop. All that she was trying to do is rest her child for sometime on that table !!!!!!!
Then we had to take the complimentary hotel bus to the Air Port which took us another two hours in the queue and then another 30 mins to the hotel. Thank God the Hotel and its service were good.
Next morning we took our flight to Mumbai , I was so relieved once I was in the flight.
I dont know if someone would have read the suggestion form I filled up at the France Airport.
Broken Bag:
This was icing on cake to my already existing fury with the Airlines.
When I reached Mumbai I found that my bag lock was merrily broken. How wonderful I had heard earlier that there are many theft incidents and baggage loss and mishandling on Air France but experienced this too. Along with me there were at least 10 other people complaining for their baggage loss and damaged bags !!!!!!
But from that Incident I have made sure that If I have other options available I will never take Air France and so my next time I tried Emirates , Its much better I must say.