For last five years I have been thinking to visit my daughter in Guildford (U.K.) Finally I decided to leave on 28th by flight no – AI /121 . To take this flight I reached at I.G.I. (Indira Gandhi Airport) at complete the normal airport formalities. I took a trolley and kept my luggage and went through an X-ray machine for security checks. At Air India counter when I checked myself in I showed my Passport and I was issued a boarding pass which mentioned the Gate no, time etc. After I checked my luggage in I was left with my hand luggage. Immigration was another counter where I showed my Passport and it was stamped.
Finally I entered in some seating area and waited for the time when the gate would open .Gate numbers were clearly given on the top .Meanwhile I had the final security check my purse and hand bag went through a security check again. After that I joined a queue and finally I was pretty relaxed that it was all over.
During flight I had a small T.V. in front of me on which the use of the seat belt and other in formations were being displayed. In between they showed different entertaining programmes which were most of time they were blurred. On the way I enjoyed the scenes while sitting near window which where actually more entertaining than the blurry screen in front of me. I felt as if I was going through sea of clouds .
I really enjoyed my view.
Food during flight was given most of the time very late and just so-so. No flight announcements regarding place crossing etc was made. A passenger was repeatedly asking about the places we were passing through but was not answered.