I have travelled extensively - both on other carriers and on our national airline.Every time I step on an Air India aircraft after a long trip away, I feel I have come home.
Sure there are faults - but which airline does not have them?
What Air India has that other airlines lack is warmth, particularly in their crew. There are some frumps and grumps; but on the whole the crew are friendly and helpful. It is unfortunate that our own countrymen, who sit like mice on foreign airlines and quietly eat the insipid food that passes for a vegetarian meal, turn into lions once they board their home airline.They find their voices (loud and clear), click their fingers to attract attention (try that on a foreign airline and it will probably be broken off!)and when the crew do not come scurrying within the next 30 seconds, ring the bell fast and furiously.The fact that the crew is probably coping with a full flight is totally irrelevant!
The same passengers who diligently mop up the toilet on a foreign airline, would not dream of doing it on Air India.After all they are back in desh now!
I have observed the staff suffer all this with patience and fortitude and for the most part maintain a pleasant and polite demeanour.
Air India bashing seems to be the fashion these days, but I feel it is quite unfair as the service is as good as most of the other airlines. Agreed the planes are old and the equipment obsolete - but for that we have to blame our government!