Air India: On 14 May-16 we were supposed to fly to Newark(USA) at 2:00 am. But due to damaged runway the flight got delayed by 22 hrs. The way Air India handled the situation was very poor . It is totally poor crisis management. There were too many employees roaming around without any help and knowledge. It was totally chaos and I heard later that they were giving hotels till morning 7:00 am.
I went to home in frustration as the authority promised me to give me to and fro transportation charges next day. But when I went next day, they made me run around in a such a way that I gave up of hope of transportation charges also. I had some sound recordings and photos also(not loaded here), the air India persons will make you run around like anything.
Every body knows that you must get in-to airport 3-4 hrs before for International departure. Their mail came at just 2 hrs before which I read in air-port only at 4:00 pm mentioning flight is at 6:00 pm again as usual that flight also cancelled and they said one which coming from Newyork will be again sent. Again delay, and at last 11:30 pm on 14th May-16, it took off.
Conclusion: Poor crisis management, I saw Jet Airways manged it well and all travellers got hotel accommodation which were facing same crisis.
A-I employee do not know processes of refunds or hotel management etc well which should be given to travelers. They start in panic and not deciplined.
Poor in updating status. On next day also the schedule on board was of previous day
. They nicely sent link to give feedback but Feed back server was down. Good Digital service keep it up.:)
Exactly after a month there was again failure of Air India in Mumbai, Bangkok flight cancelled -read news of 14-15 Jun-16.