I am here to give a personal experiance with government owned indian airlines.
Like all I also had presumption that government employees doesnt work that efficiently and they dont care abt the customers , etc etc....
I was bound to take fligth in the morning at around 8:30 am...it was long queue before the counter for the boading pass..there were actually four counters but there was only one guy giving away the boarding pass...that too at his own pleasure( becuase the system was slow in response)...there were 5 fligths at the same time for differnt desination from chennai...all the peopl in the queue got pissed off and shouted at the poor guy who was actually sincere at his level best .....some how I got my boarding pass on time before the time...still the view abt the govt officials have not changed infact have got worse from bad. With this I boarded the fligth the intial welcome cabin crew girl was very young and actually better than the many private airlines. the combination cabin was one lady in 40s plus one girl at 20s plus one one girl at her 30s and steward (guy ) actually at his 50s...then I thot wat kind of airlines is this ???...becuase before that I have travelled in jet airways which had all the stewardess less than 22 atleast....but once the fligth started to take off ...i then purposely started noticing how these guys are working I mean efficiently or not ...so that I can chnage my decision abt the government officials.....to my surprise the stewardess was very caring and actaully better of in the displaying the manners....i thot she got thru experiance ....it was so good feeling like in home....
after came one guy who was sitting next to me who actually insitigated the choas at the queue while standing for the pass, he casually talked to me these govt employees are good for nothing feelows have to be sacked and all airlines to be privatised...i was listening to him patiently and asked him where does he work? he said that he works for govt ....i asked him "which dept ??" he said "revenue dept...so I smiled sarcastially at him and asked him "how does the revenue dept works?"..he said it works like private company unlike "indian" and ask him does not the revenue dept guys get lots of bribe , he said yes but atleast the work will be neat....i could undersatnd him he saying people are working inefficeintly but atleast sincerely to there level best......i thot it is waste to continue talking to that guy...then was abt to go thru the in fligth mags......one thing I noted with IA crew was they were much more mature in handling the people either they did not give too much of leeway or they acted rudely ...they were able to draw the line in between so comfartable which I found that was lacking those people from jetairways......then came the real test for the crew members ...the guy was given the water which was not cool ....he took that thing trying to blow the issue as if he was given some salt water.....he tried that he will go to consumer court and all sorts of non sense for just normal water insead of cold water....the guy and the lady in 50s acted so professionall they were able to convince him as well as make the atmosphere so good that nothing happen like that before......
so I thot these people wher actually good ...i gave some points to the working of the goverment official .....
at last I was happy these people good enuff to handle any situation....the came the mother nature to show the fury at the airbus a320 with turbulance.....now all the peopl were asked to wear the seat bels given special attention for how to escape the fligth if some thing bad happens......and then the captian spoke ..there was clearly the differnce between the captians of both fligth namely jet and IA .....IA was more mature and commanding even at the times of turbulance.....i think the crew did a greta job...making us feel so comforatble at the harsh times...i see sligth differnce of the experiance of handling people matters more than of the physical beauty......i was overwhelmed by the service of the crew of IA.....
the ground staff migth not be goos in looking ...the cabin migth not be good in looking ...but the srvices they render was far more suprior than the priivate airlines becuase of the experaince of being in the feild.....
that was my persoanl opinion abt IA...