Ive been utilizing an Aircel card subsequent to very much quite a while, and I have gone over that the organizations support of its clients is going down step by step.
As a matter of first importance, in the event that you need to think about plans or need to actuate or deactivate an administration and call client watch over it, they wont give you an answer and put your approach hold saying that all our client care individuals are occupied right now. Notwithstanding this, they deduct cash from your equalization by enacting any plan or guest tunes, yet when the truth is you have not actuated any.
Subsequent to calling client mind a few times, they discount you the cash in you adjust.
Yes, numerous individuals may say Aircel is modest, yet its not a decent administration supplier. Its has numerous imperfections which its needs to enhance and that too rapidly. Something else, numerous individuals would port to other better Service suppliers.