To Whoever this may go to,
My mobile number is 8898010160 and Im very angry with the kind of treatment Ive received from your customer care, Ive called several times to port out my number to another carrier every time there is some or the reason given for me to not port out my service. Initially it was my unbilled amt that was due, I have paid that and now the new reason when I called on 3 April 2013 I was first told that its because of the bbm service that is activated, then the guy places me on hold and tells me it because of the CUG service that is activated when the CUG was activated I didnt go to the store to activate it, your guys say I will have to visit the store and I was told to send the sms to check the closest store , when I sent the sms the closest store I got was the one in my building that was closed on 23rd march 2013, FYI: this is how your system works and this shows the accuracy of information that a CUSTOMER receives from your contact center, I spoke to a supervisor called Mr. Mallik who also was not ready to help me deactivate the CUG service on the phone and then said he has taken the request to deactivate the CUG service and will take 7 working days to action the request, I mean : are we living in STONE AGE to wait for 7 days to deactivate a service when in this time of world it just happens with a click of mouse, Mr. Mallik was adamant on his words and was eager to hang up on me as he was not able to resolve my query. I also asked him to let me know the amt which is over due or if I have unpaid to which he didnt answer and I also requested him to give me the names of the previous your so called "PREMIUM CONSULTANTS" he refused to give and asked me to call the appellate , to which I told him it would be closed by now , so hes ordering me to send a mail for the same. Is this the way you guys treat your customer if this is the case then I am happy to move out of AIRCEL and also recommend others not to go for AIRCEL and I hope you very well know how the word of mouth spreads in marketing of a service. This is a sincere request to let me go out of aircel. Another things is that I wanted to apologize if I have used any wrong language in the mail or during the conversation on the phone with Mr. Mallik. This frustration is because of the incompetent service given by AIRCEL and not able to help their customers.