So welcome to the world of Lingham, the adult version of Singham, Lick instead of Kick and Chennai Sexpress, which is louder than Chennai Express. Kanhaiya and Rocky, two friends from Mumbai, join hands with their Bangkok-based friend Mickey( Krushna) who runs a thriving adult film business in the Sin City of Asia to earn their daily bread. And their everyday stuff is making Mughal-E-Orgasm instead of Mughal-E-Azam.
Mickey already has actresses Gizele Thakral and Claudia Ciesla on his roster, actors who are willing to drop their clothes and inhibition because the job demands it. As the boys and girls get spoofy, you find yourself chuckling.
Then, Kanhaiya falls in love. Quite obviously, he doesnt want the girl to know what he does for a living because her father( Darshan Jariwala) is said to be old-fashioned. This one is odd because the girl herself is happily romping around in bikinis. Guess the sanskari father has no view on this!
Act Two begins with the porn stars pretending to be members of a respectable family. However, they cannot hide their true nature and assets. Intermittently, they indulge in atrocities that almost blow their cover. Youre deluged with an avalanche of crude jokes, the kind that land on WhatsApp, minute after minute. Frankly, one doesnt assume a high moral ground while watching films like KKHH3 because they thrive on double entendres. And like it is always said, you must see the context. But even boob and bum rides hurt if theyre stretched beyond a point.
Too many gags follow more gags, actors ham and situations get repeated. Wish the makers, who have invested so much in locations and item songs, had invested in a tighter screenplay because India is ready for a smart sex comedy. At the interval point, you are willing to cut the film some slack, but post the break, despite the gloss, glamour and goofs, youre restless.
The bits where the porn stars try to masquerade as respectable guys in disguises lacks the ingenuity of similar situations done brilliantly so many times by actors like Govinda.