Akshay does a lot of commerical cinema – that’s what he’s known for. The multiplex audience aren’t that familiar with his releases. For example, when “Baby” released this here, though it was targeted to the niche audience; it didn’t perform outrageously well like “Singh is Bling”. Airlift is on those terms – it’s a rare instance where the SCRIPT is KING in an Akshay Kumar film. In his upcoming flicks like “Airlift” and “Rustom” we get to witness the acting chops of Akshay because the script allows him to.
Airlift is based on the biggest human evacuation in the world. It’s going to be a stellar movie.
Watch it if you are interested in serious cinema. No romance, no comedy.
As we know this is based on a true event, watch it because it raises the bar of Bollywood higher. For a change, you get relief from the usual guy girl romance, senseless comedies or action. Finally we get to see something that makes us proud.