I watch this film with my family and I am very proud of this movie.because in this movie cast performance was absolutely excellent.I watch this movie three time but I didnot get bored. in this film akshay kumar do a very beauty full role. the film is described on quwait attack on muslim. please must watch this movie. it is absolutely excellent.
I gonna get cry after watching this movie. the film name airlift is very creative the people attract to watch this movie. first time I watch this movie with my family second time I watch alone and third time I watch with my friends. this type of film I love to see. the recomended film with airlift is pk, bajrangi bhaijaan, the message, etc are the most likely film to me. if you did not watch airlift please must watch. this film is entirely creative. as well as sound track is also good. cinematography was also good. plot was not very well but good. have you watch this movie? if not please see on youtube .