It has been a long time since a movie has managed to wake-up the Indian residing inside each of us and Airlift does just that. The movie speaks of the unparalleled courage of the unsung heroes that was long-lost in the history. Akshay Kumar, who plays the main protagonist, is better than apt for the role. No other actor could have played the part better than what he does.
From displaying various emotions onscreen to expressing grief and rage with such perfection, Akshay is a treat to watch in every scene. Nimrat again is such a delight. The actress is expressive and how. She speaks with her eyes and sure needs to be seen a lot more in Bollywood. Rest of the cast including Feryna Wazheir, Inaamulhaq, Lena, Purab Kohli, Kumud Mishra and Prakash Belawadi throw in some fabulous acts and are perfect in their parts.
It is patriotic, heroic and what not. Do not even think about giving this a miss, you may end loosing a good two something hours of your life.