Airlift is one of the most hilarious movie of bollywood in this film akshay kumar starrer in this film this story based on two people of india when iraq wars kuwait for non indivisualation . A man who was living in kuwait when the iraqs president was saddam hossain in 1990 and then kuwait wanted to be apart from iraq. Iraq is a country is helded in asia and that is a golf coutry there the petrol and diesel generates and there akshay kunar was as ranjit katiyal at that time ranjit saves 1. 7 lakhs people from iraq who all were indian and at that time they hadnt some meal food and they all wanted to return back to india but some time had came to return back but agian a time came where they couldnt came back.
Airlift has earned enoug money and akshay was awesome starred and even nimrat kaur was awesome in that movie akshay was wss simple man and akshay jad a family even akshay had a 9-10 years old girl and first he wanted to come back return to india along his family but after seeing his offices employees, workers he had changed his decide to come alone only with his family thus, he went to meet some vendors ho was warking to delivery people to another country first he had dealed with a vendor for sending 500 peoples to india after ddaling with the vendors the incharge officer had accertained from some special investigators and he informed to the president who was saddam hossain and president prohibited to import export anything any types of item goods travelling to another country .
After that he decided to inform indian minister and indian minister done something to return backk all indians and an officer helped him a lot he requested to home minister but minister didnt agree that man was suffering going here there here here ranjit had only one way o return back that way was that to send them to jordan from jordan he can send them to india 1st ranjit katial sent them o jordan at last an indian officer finally convenced to home minister to return backk all indians from kuwait after that the india had sent indian passenver plane to hire them from kuwait and some pilot hadnt agree to go there hillarious place but some pilot agreed to go there to hire them and finally many times pilot travelled to hire them to india and finally their plan had became successful.