I have been a sify broadband user for over 3 years. Their service has been constantly detoriating. I was on a 256 kbps unlimited plan which cost me 1122 rs per month. Bad service, bad connection and what not. I heard about the airtel wifi option from some of my office colleagues and thought I would give it a try.
Well, I must say I was not disappointed. I did not have very high hopes to start with but it really delivers what it promises. I called up their call centre and told them I was interested in getting a connection. Within a couple of hours an executive was at my place with all the forms and tarrif plans. I opted for the 512kbps unlimited plan costing 1499 per month. I told him I am intetrested in getting the wifi setup. The installation of wifi is 1800 rs so I gave him a check and told him I want the connection asap.
This was Friday. He told me installation would be done tomorrow morning. Next morning when no one turned up, I called up the guy who told me the engineers would come by afternoon. When no one turned up till 2 PM, I got a little frustrated and called him up again. I told him I want to speak to his manager. He gave the no. of a certain Mr. Aman.
So far, I was getting the feeling that I am in another trap of pathetic customer service guys who will keep delaying my installation. As I had to go to office on monday and would be carrying my laptop with me, it was important to me that the installation should be completed before that. With little to no hopes, I dialed Mr. Amans no.
Thankfully the guy listened, apologized and told me that he will get the guys to my place by evening. After another hour passed, I thought of calling him up again but to my surprise, he called me up and told me that the guys would come in a short while.
Within the next 15 mins, 2 guys came to my house and installed the wiring. I was highly impressed with the neat and professional job they did with the wiring. They then told me that a separate guy would come tomorrow who would install the phone and the wifi modem.
I called up Mr. Aman again and he told me that tomorrow being a sunday there can be no installation and it can happen only on monday. I was disappointed and told him that I have to go to office on monday and cannot stay at home for the installation. He asked me what time I will be back from office and I told him about 7. He said, the executives would come after 7 and assured me that the installation would happen on monday.
I went to office on monday and whole day kept wondering if the guys would indeed come for installation in evening or not. I was not expecting anyone to turn up post 7 PM and thought in all probability the installation would get delayed till next saturday.
However, to my pleasant surprise, when I reached home at about 6:45 PM, the airtel engineers were waiting for me. I immediately handed over my laptop to them and they started the installation.
After 30 mins of so, the engineer told me that the installation has been completed. He explained to me how to turn on/off the modem and asked me to enter my wifi passcode. I was delighted when I opened google on my laptop and started browsing. I also scanned for my wifi network on my Nokia N95, Playstation 3 and PSP. All my devices caught hold of the network easily and I was able to surf the net on all of them simultaneously.
The best part about wifi setup is you do not have to log into anything. No manual IP address input required. Just open your laptop and start browsing. Now all my devices are connected to network and I am having great fun surfing the net and playing call of duty mutlplayer online on my PS3:-)
Kudos to airtel!