Airtel does not have service in Pune, as per the confirmation given by there airtel customer service(Service Request#67443835), they are using vodafone network in pune.
I have ported to airtel connection recently in Mumbai by seeing there TV ads, whenever I go to Pune, my phone really goes dead, no network at all. When I called up the customer service they closed the service request with out any resolution immediately. After asking for the reason they said "You have to be on vodafone network if you are in pune, switchoff and restart the mobile to get connected, AS AIRTEL DO NOT HAVE NETWORK IN PUNE"
It was a shocker to me, as I have clearly stated this while opting for AIrtel, and they said we have network in entire Maharashtra. Now I am in problem, as this was my primary number, if I travel to pune from mumbai, I will be not reachable for the whole day? If Airtel claims to have advance 4G network how they do not have basic network in Pune(Major Metro of India)?Why do I need to switch to vodafone to get connected in Pune?This shows that airtel is just creating glamourous commercial ads and duping customers. DO NOT FALL PREY TO Airtel TV ADS & NEVER OPT FOR AIRTEL .(Service Request#67443835)