We have been using Airtel Broadband connection since few years now. Roughly generate a bill of 1700 per month for our internet and telephone usage. Since last one year we have faced problems several times in our connection. Every time the customer care person came, he replaced the faulty modem with a serviced one.
The same happened this time also. the response from the customer care came quick and within one hour the service guy was at our residence. He checked everything and concluded that modem was faulty. I thought he would replace it and install a good one, instead he said the policy of the company has changed recently for the customers who have subscribed to them for more than one year.
We are now being suggested to buy a new modem worth 1200-1500 rupees. I can buy a new modem if I actually had the original one, given to me during the issue of connection, I can at-least claim a warranty or try to get it repaired myself. But these people have changed the modems 3 times. We can never tell when it will go dead as it is already repaired one time(or more than once).
When I spoke to customer care, he simply suggested me to forward a request to disconnect my connection! it was ridiculous, he doesnt even care to negotiate. even if I buy a new modem now, there is no guarantee for the next time.
If it costs me that much, itll be better that I choose some other connection.
Airtel Lost another Good customer.