I have a heavy usage for broad downloading and movies are part of the daily action , and I also from from home some times for which I need seamless connection, my journey has been really bad for a long time until the buck stoped at Airtel.
I started with TATA , which I had to say TATA after doing through a lot of pain, every time I had to use it I had problem , use to spend in average 15 -20 min over the phone with the teck and all that they could do is ping this ping that and at the team they will set a person to visit and the TAT was 2 day which use to suck a lot,
Then I tried Reliance, it was better tan TATA any day but , they had a lot of maintains down time and the customer service was to dad , one more stuff they have a really bad billing system I had to pay 2 times in a same month ,
Some one recommended me Airtel, I use their mobile service which is good and I got the broadband , The line man came to do the instillation, and I was impressed the way they did it, it was far better and pro- work, I got the wire less connection which I will recommend every one all that you have to pay is 1100 and no rental, this make the life so simple and easy , first its wire less and you can carry your laptop any were that you want,
After the installation the engineer came how got it working and he gave me his person number and said if you have any problem just call me I will take care of it.
Its been 8 month now that I am using it and I am very happy with the service, will recommend all of you to do with Airtel , if you like uninterrupted service other wise you have lot of other option to go with