I was an airtel BB customtakeouter and then we shifted house and asked them to cancel the connection. At that time they told us that they will transfer the connection at our new address and convinced us not to cancel the connection. They took almost 4 months to tell us that because of some technical problems they will not be able to transfer the connection and now we have to pay for all those months for which that so called connection was unused... more to this they internally closed the account but their bill meter kept running. Then their recovery department guys started calling us and then one day they asked me to pay Rs.1000 against the total bill of approx Rs1900 to settle the account which I paid last month.
Today all of sudden their so called advocate (not sure even if it was an advocate or some of their actors from recovery department) called me and said either I pay Rs.1853 or face court case. They harassed me so much that I left from my office and went to shitty airtel office where they dont have any justification on Rs.1000 I paid and forced me to pay Rs.1853. When I asked for full and final settlement letter they asked me to send request mail for that to 121@airtel.in which I sent and they have not reverted back yet.
I am not sure if these buggers will harass me again.
We (customtakeouters) made these buggers a brand and they easily forgot this and hopefully now the time is coming when they will realize how we can show them their right place. Ive 3 other airtel services with me which I am going to get closed very very soon. I am doing my bit and request all the readers of this review to help ourselves and show these buggers their right place. We can only do this by denying their services and affecting their business.