I have an airtel broadband connection in Ahmedabad, I am facing problem of frequent disconnection from last 40-45 days, but still the problem is not resolved. Every time I raise a complain within 2 days the status changes to resolved without solving the problem. First when I raised the complain, they said there is a problem in internal wiring and airtel doesnt support internal wiring issue. So I called electrician as per the guidance of airtel executive to check the internal wiring but when the electrician checked it, he said it is perfect there is no issue in here.
I had to pay Rs. 2000 to electrician to check the same. Then again I raised a complain and this time they said there is an issue in ADSL Router, so I purchased a new router paying 2500Rs., but still the issue is unresolved. I called them again yesterday and one executive came from airtel, he didnt even checked any router configs or any other thing, but asked us "Are you still facing the problem?" I said Yes and he went away and today I was having too frequent disconnection problem like disconnecting every 10-15 secs, so I called them for the same and I came to know that without solving the issue the satus of my yesterdays complain in resolved. how can it be possible.
Till today I was suggesting airtel to everyone, but from now on I can say that there is no difference between airtel and other cheap local companies.
After more than 40 days, I have now understood that Airtel is unable to Solve the problem. So finally I am taking action against airtel under consumer protection act.