I have been using Airtel Broadband connection with landline phone for last 5 months.With Beetel 220BX ADSL2+Modem. (Grey Colour)
Unlimited uses package in just 699.00 + Taxes and a rental free land line with CLID, phonebook, Ring tones, GSM sim card reader, speaker phone and more.
DSL Modem has two interfaces first is for Ethernet/LAN and second is for USB.
I have one desktop and one laptopLaptop having Ethernet card and USB both but desktop has only USB (no Ethernet).
The Good Factor:
On my DesktopIt shows two connections while I connect to broadband First is LAN connection (12.0 MBPS) and second is Internet connection (speed 576.0 KBPS)
Download Speed is average to good. I get around 14+KB/s in daytime and 32+KB/s at night for download on an average.
Great phone voice quality
Broadband Reliability: Good, it has only down for 2 times in past 5 months... and all of them were due to modem mis-configuration (my mistake), which was fixed on phone support whith in minutes.
Phone Reliability: Very good, never down, clear voice, fast dialing by default.
Service: Absolutely great service, In past 5 months on 2 occasions the broadband gave me trouble due to my mistakes and all the time it was fixed within few minutes with their voice support over the phone (they guarantee 24 hours or something - otherwise they will refund Rs 100/-).
And you know what? ... They give me support on my landline phone from which all calls to customer care are free.
The Bad Factor:
For my laptop there is no problem at all because it has Ethernet card but in my desktop it has only USB connection with DSL Modem it works perfectly but some times it hangs ups after every few minutes.
I have talked to customer care and searched for this problem on net also but I did not find any solution till today.Customer care person said that I should install and use Ethernet card on desktop also.
My Opinion:
This broadband service is very goodI give it 4 out of 5Fully featured rental free phone, voice clarity, good customer support, and good connectivity of net.U will like it.U can go for it.
Thanks and Regards
Prashant Mangala