When I moved to Bangalore around 2 years back tried Tata Indicomm BroadBand and Plug to Surf. I was so pissed of with the quality of service that I wrote down a review against them. This time a totally different experience. I was not expecting Airtel comes out this good in terms of reliability and customer support.
Ive a tendency to analyze everything in terms of +ve and -ve qualities and here it goes again.
Plus Points:
First thing when you will look in a internet connection is availability. I’ve not calculated but I think it’s around 99%. I do not remember I’ve lost connection due to network issues, be it heavy rain or whatever. Only in one occasion, there was a disrupt, that time there was a road development work was going on and those guys cut the cables during the process. Within hours airtel guys came there and fixed the issue. I was impressed with that service.
Customer support knows what they are speaking about. They usually solves the problem. Speed is good, but it depends on whatever plan you are using. Cost is OK and quality of service I’m getting is quite good with comparision to other Service providers.
Negative Points:
For online payment you can not fill the form online and get user details. In stead it’s a paper work.
I’m one of those happy customers from airtel. Previuosly I was using 2MBPS spped with 4GB download, which cost me around 800 per month. I’ve changed plan to unlimited download with 256KBPS and cost is around 950. In 256 KBPS download speed usually I get around 30 KBPS and upload around same and goes up after late night. I can do all of my office work from home using this 256KBPS plan also. If I need more speed I can upgrade my plan , but it’ll cost me more.